Sad Popular Raccoon Cafe in Hongdae [Maengkun ...



(首爾, 南韓)Maengkun Raccoon Cafe - 旅遊景點評論

評分 2.5 (36) Maengkun Raccoon Cafe:查看Tripadvisor 上在南韓首爾的旅遊景點排名,瀏覽關於Maengkun Raccoon Cafe的旅客評論和真實旅客照片。

2025 年Maengkun Raccoon Cafe旅遊推薦(更新於2 月) 精選2025 年Maengkun Raccoon Cafe旅遊推薦(更新於2 月)旅遊攻略與旅遊照片,您可以從照片中輕鬆探索Maengkun Raccoon Cafe景點、附近飯店、景點路線、交通 ...

Maengkun Raccoon Cafe

See photos and videos taken at this location and explore places nearby.

Maengkun Raccoon Cafe

Plan your visit to Maengkun Raccoon Cafe in Seoul and save! Discover the best ticket deals, check opening hours, & reviews, and explore real traveler photos ...

Maengkun Raccoon Cafe - 遊客評語- 可愛浣熊cafe

評分 4.0 · TravelLoverAnywhere 我女兒真的很喜歡這裏,咖啡館里大約有4隻浣熊和許多狗。浣熊們不友好(工作人員也不友好),但我們仍然玩得很開心。總的來說,和孩子們一起來這裏也還不錯。

Maengkun Raccoon Cafe | Mapo-gu, Seoul

Maengkun Raccoon Cafe is a themed cafe located along the main road of Hongik University. This cafe offers day passes at a cheap price to hang out with.

Maengkun Raccoon Cafe门票多少钱价格表-团购票价预定优惠

来首尔必逛的小浣熊咖啡馆raccooncoffee 首尔满大街咖啡店,但是这家强烈推荐!因为里面有. 弱冠年华. 5381. 韩国首尔超萌的浣熊咖啡店. 小俞Yoyo.

The Best Raccoon Cafe In Seoul

This is the best raccoon cafe in Seoul! The biggest of these overlooked highlights is the Akdong Animal Healing Café (or 악동 애니멀 힐링 카페).


弘大雖然有其他浣熊cafe 如Raccoon Cafe MaengKun,之所以推介Blind Alley,全因為店內除了有浣熊,還有哥基和小豬! Blind Alley(블라인드엘리)INFO 地址:首爾特別市龍山區青 ...


評分2.5(36)MaengkunRaccoonCafe:查看Tripadvisor上在南韓首爾的旅遊景點排名,瀏覽關於MaengkunRaccoonCafe的旅客評論和真實旅客照片。,Trip.com精選2025年MaengkunRaccoonCafe旅遊推薦(更新於2月)旅遊攻略與旅遊照片,您可以從照片中輕鬆探索MaengkunRaccoonCafe景點、附近飯店、景點路線、交通 ...,Seephotosandvideostakenatthislocationandexploreplacesnearby.,PlanyourvisittoMaengkunRaccoonCafeinSeoulandsave!Disco...